Tuesday, 24 April 2007

i'm fubarred today..since morning! ...went to school with a primary/current schoolmate and he so so bore me to death! all the things that were coming out from his mouth were all baloneys! and bulls! and he's such an air-headed son of a fucktard! i guess he doesnt have a girlfriend...nobody would want him anyway.
he asked about my timetable and the time i'd finish school and each time i answer, he'll beat me to an earlier timing and and he commented on my shoes! like why i was still wearing school shoes..like heller! it's an off-white color and i love this shoes even if its in tatters i'd still friggin wear it!...gawshhh...i swear i could've slapped him already but i just didn't want to start my day off badly.

school was fine but i got raged again cuz some people kept me waiting and were giving me a hard time talking to them. not just one but 3...it's stupid! but yes..nevermind, i guess it'll be bettter tomorrow. it better be. and no i'm not gonna be dumb enough to entertain people anymore when it's so so not appreciated at all. and it's plainly ridiculous!
and goodbye!

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