Tuesday, 12 June 2007

bloodied green tea

Hi! Good eveniiiing….

Y’know!!!? I’m happy because I wasn’t THAT late. Lol. I came the same time as Fir! Knowing that that guy always comes on time or maybe even earlier, I should say I’m proud I came pretty earlier than my usual time. Lol.

So today NO MORE PHOTOSHOP! *phew* First lesson on Sound Forge. It was okaye la. But y’know I always find things okaye in the beginning. Then when we go further and deeper, I’ll start to hate it? So, like right now, we just did some editing on this sample. I don’t really wanna think about later. When we have to learn about SOUND. Lol. But nola. I think more like we have to learn about Sound Forge that program. So yeah. whaddevah.

Lei-lei was watchin some vid on YouTube. Then he typed my name to see if I had any vids. Then I showed him the Nurul’s B-day greeting la. The loading was slow so he heard the first part of my “Haiii” [with the hand gesture]. And he said my “hi” is very the dunno-what [I forgot what he said]. And he kept replaying that part! Until Xin Long and Javvy came! So they were imitating my “hi” all the way la! And and they were kinda making fun of me. Lol. Siao Kao! Sooo, I dunno the story oredi. Very boring larr…

Anyway, abang Fir, thanks for buying me fishball uh! And the green tea too. Cuz I didn’t go down for break so I asked him to buy fer me. Lazy larr. I slept during the break. So the yummy. Lol. So this is what I did after eatin and drinkin. Lei-lei said it was gross and he snapped it. *shrugs* I dunno, I don’t find it grossy. I think it’s MY ART! Okaye, you’re just lame. Okaye, Taatttaaa….[sauce..]

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