I’ve gotten my schedule! It's messy so I had to do my own! Heehee!
Imma be schoolin’ at Canossa College, takin’ up Computer Science.
Hello guys.
How’re things goin’?
Here I am…driven to pen down my thoughts…[well, not literally pen down] at this time while everyone’s asleep. [they sleep early here by the way]
Anyway…I just read Sabby’s blog…along with ‘Breakeven’ song…[the rhythm’s somewhat inspiring]
And I came across the phrase ‘Graduation ceremony’ and….
Really. It just brought me back to the good ol’ days.
Well, just years ago, we were caught up thinkin’ about what to wear for our Secondary School’s Grad Night around this month or earlier? that we even lost focus for our Mid Year Exam and Prelims and even O’s…
Secondary School days really are just too memorable for me to forget…those were just the happiest, wackiest, craziest, most emotional days I had…I just miss every single person I knew [even those I wasn’t close at all with or hated to the max]…
Juniors, wannabes, geeks, fights, every corner of the school, strolling out of school to the bus stop under the hot bloody sun along the church and private houses.
Our table at the canteen…and around the school where we hang…
Lovely days.
We’ve grown so much…
And two years later, we’re done again from ITE…
Today’s the ITE Graduation that I unfortunately cannot be present for.
I will miss the little reunion with my classmates and schoolmates…
But I’m very happy we’ve all graduated…
Now we’re all busy with our own stuffs again. We will forever be busy. =.=
I still wonder how is everybody doin’…
Shoutout to all of yall. I miss you guys…terribly.
I miss the simple hangouts we had…I miss every hangouts we had.
I miss Esplanade, Vivo City, Long John Silver’s, TCC, the bus, everything uh…walao...even the Garbage truck to be honest…OMG. Yes. Even the Garbage truck…*shrugs* ouh well.
Anyway...yeah…we are all growing up more maturedly, laying out all of our goals and dreams and thoughts in life etc…
I wouldn’t be surprise what kinda topics we’d be havin’ for our 2016 Reunion…
We’re just so grown that sometimes it saddens me more than it pleases me.
You know the thought of working hard for your folks and make ‘em proud and at the same time fulfill your dreams of havin’ your own things…?
But pensively, as we reach for our goals and dreams, the pain that my parents’ feel physically brings me down. I just cannot bear the sight of my parents growing old and moving defenselessly…
Back to the Graduation Ceremony topic…
I’m happy for us all.
Guys!!! Share PHOTOS okaye?! I want PHOTOS of you guys!!!
I’ve gotten my schedule! It's messy so I had to do my own! Heehee!
Imma be schoolin’ at Canossa College, takin’ up Computer Science.
Hello guys.
How’re things goin’?
Here I am…driven to pen down my thoughts…[well, not literally pen down] at this time while everyone’s asleep. [they sleep early here by the way]
Anyway…I just read Sabby’s blog…along with ‘Breakeven’ song…[the rhythm’s somewhat inspiring]
And I came across the phrase ‘Graduation ceremony’ and….
Really. It just brought me back to the good ol’ days.
Well, just years ago, we were caught up thinkin’ about what to wear for our Secondary School’s Grad Night around this month or earlier? that we even lost focus for our Mid Year Exam and Prelims and even O’s…
Secondary School days really are just too memorable for me to forget…those were just the happiest, wackiest, craziest, most emotional days I had…I just miss every single person I knew [even those I wasn’t close at all with or hated to the max]…
Juniors, wannabes, geeks, fights, every corner of the school, strolling out of school to the bus stop under the hot bloody sun along the church and private houses.
Our table at the canteen…and around the school where we hang…
Lovely days.
We’ve grown so much…
And two years later, we’re done again from ITE…
Today’s the ITE Graduation that I unfortunately cannot be present for.
I will miss the little reunion with my classmates and schoolmates…
But I’m very happy we’ve all graduated…
Now we’re all busy with our own stuffs again. We will forever be busy. =.=
I still wonder how is everybody doin’…
Shoutout to all of yall. I miss you guys…terribly.
I miss the simple hangouts we had…I miss every hangouts we had.
I miss Esplanade, Vivo City, Long John Silver’s, TCC, the bus, everything uh…walao...even the Garbage truck to be honest…OMG. Yes. Even the Garbage truck…*shrugs* ouh well.
Anyway...yeah…we are all growing up more maturedly, laying out all of our goals and dreams and thoughts in life etc…
I wouldn’t be surprise what kinda topics we’d be havin’ for our 2016 Reunion…
We’re just so grown that sometimes it saddens me more than it pleases me.
You know the thought of working hard for your folks and make ‘em proud and at the same time fulfill your dreams of havin’ your own things…?
But pensively, as we reach for our goals and dreams, the pain that my parents’ feel physically brings me down. I just cannot bear the sight of my parents growing old and moving defenselessly…
Back to the Graduation Ceremony topic…
I’m happy for us all.
Guys!!! Share PHOTOS okaye?! I want PHOTOS of you guys!!!