Sunday, 6 January 2008

get over it


holidays are over. *mooommmmyyyy, it's ooooverrrrr :'( *
*gimme gimme [more], gimme [more], gimme gimme [more]*
schools back. [cant wait for the next hols :| ]
i have been soooooooo busy since holidays started. preparation for christmas then new year. so long of a preparation, didnt have time for projects and assignments!
well, blah blah blah...

emmm, i found my last posts so corny like that...eeeyer.
ouh hwell...
emmm, well, err...
lets see what to talk about...
okaye...i think...i got it...

lets talk corny...
well, live with it...coz i write corny things...hahaha...
okaye, seriously now...
shut up...

well see, i blog...usually about SOME events that happen in my life...and sometimes about my views on some things...and sometimes...just. plain. crap.
but i do not post just about E-V-E-R-Y single event EVERYDAY or even just a particular day or even any occasion...
cuz there are some "funny" people who has this fallacy about me that i do not "go out", party, chill with friends and the whatnots...
well, errr... *rolls eyes*
so just because i do not post pictures or post about an event, it so-tota-freakingly does not mean that nothing happened to me that day...RIGHT?! or maybe just because you do not see nor hear about me meet with the common friends, you already have that thought in mind?

but, i have to tell everyone what i did or am doing or will be doing?
do i have to post about me going to a party, drinkin, getting drunk, helping get sober up, meeting up with other "outside" friends, chilling here and there, watching them jam, trashing their places, getting a haircut, doing my homework, kissing people, getting laid, going to a hospital, and all that jazz?

well, geez. thats uber overrated.
here, lemme clear things up...
i post when i feel like it. i post ABOUT SOMETHING when i feel like it.
i DO NOT post about something that DID NOT happen. i do not NECESSARILY have to post pictures or whatever just to prove things to anybody. i DO NOT have to prove anything to anybody. believe me or not, im not bothered. so really, the next time you ask something and i explain and you dont believe me, well, sorry but really i do not care.

ouh, and yea, another thing, i dont find being a loner a bad makes you contemplate on things clearer rather than being with someone all the time. i guess its why youre pretty shallow.
and yeah, to someone, my bad, i clearly forgot about consideration. for not apologising for disturbing some people before i ask something. i am ONLY human, i make mistakes.
so there.

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