Thursday, 28 February 2008
updating with the bloody bloodshot panda eyes.
been up all night; tossing and turning, playing psp, cleaning up and defragmenting my notebook, fidgeting with the cellphone, reading an inspiring piece in rd, revisiting the loo [time and again], hoping either would just! just just! make me shut my eyes and fall to the perhaps "only" favorite-part-of-my-life; dreamland.
to no avail :(
so i got sofa king pissed, i got up and settled upon practicing packet tracer from the very first page. -_- uhh, well, not exactly the "right" time to practice that since i planned on doin it later...
ouh well.
been at it for three hours now, i suppose. and my eyes arent givin up...while...
my body is!
ugh! its like, my eyes are happily enjoying what its "forcing" my brains and hands to do; considering my entire[probably] system has limited patience and is short attention span...gee. a total sabotage. causing me to be wide awake while my body is s-lowly shutting down on me. dayyem.
okaye! finally, after typing some words; wasting energy, my eyes are finally unable to endure the weight any longer! imma knock off and have some shuteye before dad bugs me for lunch.......brunch...
updating with the bloody bloodshot panda eyes.
been up all night; tossing and turning, playing psp, cleaning up and defragmenting my notebook, fidgeting with the cellphone, reading an inspiring piece in rd, revisiting the loo [time and again], hoping either would just! just just! make me shut my eyes and fall to the perhaps "only" favorite-part-of-my-life; dreamland.
to no avail :(
so i got sofa king pissed, i got up and settled upon practicing packet tracer from the very first page. -_- uhh, well, not exactly the "right" time to practice that since i planned on doin it later...
ouh well.
been at it for three hours now, i suppose. and my eyes arent givin up...while...
my body is!
ugh! its like, my eyes are happily enjoying what its "forcing" my brains and hands to do; considering my entire[probably] system has limited patience and is short attention span...gee. a total sabotage. causing me to be wide awake while my body is s-lowly shutting down on me. dayyem.
okaye! finally, after typing some words; wasting energy, my eyes are finally unable to endure the weight any longer! imma knock off and have some shuteye before dad bugs me for lunch.......brunch...
Sunday, 24 February 2008
updating with the bloody bloodshot panda eyes.
been up all night; tossing and turning, playing psp, cleaning up and defragmenting my notebook, fidgeting with the cellphone, reading an inspiring piece in rd, revisiting the loo [time and again], hoping either would just! just just! make me shut my eyes and fall to the perhaps "only" favorite-part-of-my-life; dreamland.
to no avail :(
so i got sofa king pissed, i got up and settled upon practicing packet tracer from the very first page. -_- uhh, well, not exactly the "right" time to practice that since i planned on doin it later...
ouh well.
been at it for three hours now, i suppose. and my eyes arent givin up...while...
my body is!
ugh! its like, my eyes are happily enjoying what its "forcing" my brains and hands to do; considering my entire[probably] system has limited patience and is short attention span...gee. a total sabotage. causing me to be wide awake while my body is s-lowly shutting down on me. dayyem.
okaye! finally, after typing some words; wasting energy, my eyes are finally unable to endure the weight any longer! imma knock off and have some shuteye before dad bugs me for lunch.......brunch...
updating with the bloody bloodshot panda eyes.
been up all night; tossing and turning, playing psp, cleaning up and defragmenting my notebook, fidgeting with the cellphone, reading an inspiring piece in rd, revisiting the loo [time and again], hoping either would just! just just! make me shut my eyes and fall to the perhaps "only" favorite-part-of-my-life; dreamland.
to no avail :(
so i got sofa king pissed, i got up and settled upon practicing packet tracer from the very first page. -_- uhh, well, not exactly the "right" time to practice that since i planned on doin it later...
ouh well.
been at it for three hours now, i suppose. and my eyes arent givin up...while...
my body is!
ugh! its like, my eyes are happily enjoying what its "forcing" my brains and hands to do; considering my entire[probably] system has limited patience and is short attention span...gee. a total sabotage. causing me to be wide awake while my body is s-lowly shutting down on me. dayyem.
okaye! finally, after typing some words; wasting energy, my eyes are finally unable to endure the weight any longer! imma knock off and have some shuteye before dad bugs me for lunch.......brunch...
Saturday, 23 February 2008
spa-re me.
fuck my nape hurts! i hope someone massages my nape, :( stiff nape? i wish hed cancel today. less than an hour and a half, geeeeez.
for some reason, my notebooks givin me reasons to hate him/her/it, fuck.
the days ive been d-reading is around the corner, damn.
just turn back the time please?
i just hate commitments im not totally ready for, shux.
bahhhh! lets just get this over with! dayyeeem!
uhhhm, hi.
for some reason, my notebooks givin me reasons to hate him/her/it, fuck.
the days ive been d-reading is around the corner, damn.
just turn back the time please?
i just hate commitments im not totally ready for, shux.
bahhhh! lets just get this over with! dayyeeem!
uhhhm, hi.
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
just a lil something
hey hey!
i just finished my practice for laters ass6!
yep! asssss...
managed to do everything.
no blunders! tweeee! finafreakinglly!
but but but!
still at loss on how to answer step4g! [ccna2, lab11.2.2b]
glad i managed to do everything aight.
laters real thang IS damnright of course another thang.
for all i know, answering laters bloody questions is just gombie like ass5's, gee. :|
suck lollipop lah!
but aaanyway, its laters problem, so dont let me problemize on it til the moment we start later, okaye!
okaye, im posting this kind of post for the very first time[i think] of this 2nd term because its my very first time to really open the freaking book and practice using packet tracer! haha, so in other words, im braggin that i was sorta kinda [pretty maybe] able to finish one whole lab without givin up! yeye! a pat on my back. but well see howt goes later yar? okaye, fuck, i gotta sh-leep. the after-effect of the freakin meds already been overdue an hour ago; diao!
kaye bye!
i just finished my practice for laters ass6!
yep! asssss...
managed to do everything.
no blunders! tweeee! finafreakinglly!
but but but!
still at loss on how to answer step4g! [ccna2, lab11.2.2b]
glad i managed to do everything aight.
laters real thang IS damnright of course another thang.
for all i know, answering laters bloody questions is just gombie like ass5's, gee. :|
suck lollipop lah!
but aaanyway, its laters problem, so dont let me problemize on it til the moment we start later, okaye!
okaye, im posting this kind of post for the very first time[i think] of this 2nd term because its my very first time to really open the freaking book and practice using packet tracer! haha, so in other words, im braggin that i was sorta kinda [pretty maybe] able to finish one whole lab without givin up! yeye! a pat on my back. but well see howt goes later yar? okaye, fuck, i gotta sh-leep. the after-effect of the freakin meds already been overdue an hour ago; diao!
kaye bye!
Monday, 18 February 2008
coupla things to rant on about.
#1 why the fff-uck am i not recovering!!! how fff-ucking long have i been sick? huh? anyone? [im not keeping track...haha.] *snaps back* but why!!! has anyone noticed how long ive been havin this fff-ucking virus in me!? i bet some do!
#2 what is wrong with this ffff-ucking bald head teacher! i may not be surprised that he debarred joanne [uh, thats gonna be me, duh], but some people whom i thought didnt really deserve to be debarred ACTUALLY got debarred! huwaaay!!!!? and those who did, didnt! that son of his mother! does he have this outrage in his life that he has to debar us? well emm, heres a lil description about soong. hes a single, bald-but-sweet-looking-but-"looks-can-be-deceiving" guy who laughs or smiles whenever we tease him and pesters us when comes to submitting assignments but takes a raincheck when asked for our supposedly-marked-three-weeks-ago assignment papers! urrrgh...
#3 uhhh...do i have a number three rant? *thinks hard*
ahhh yesss! why does the camp have to fall on weekdays! what kind of organizer would organize such event without thinkin or checking with the other campuses whether or not wed be available!
#4 *forced* why do i get wrong people! why cant the one im lookin for come to me!?
aaaand soo, heres my own [and most probably yours too] short-answered answers to my own short-answered-but-freaking-long-ranting questions.
>#1 coz youve been eating the forbidden-foods-when-youre-sick, you sick-in-the-brains, you!
>#2 coz you dont have the discipline to go to school on time or before time and you copy answers from people for visual basic you freak, you! emm, as for the other questions, go ask him.
>#3 coz they do not know whod be interested in joining them; jan-intake or apr-intake you gundu eat babi you!
>#4 urrr...coz its not the "the-right-man-for-you-will-come-at-the-right-time" time yet, you dumbass twit, you.
ouhhhkaaaye, im s-leepy.
#1 why the fff-uck am i not recovering!!! how fff-ucking long have i been sick? huh? anyone? [im not keeping track...haha.] *snaps back* but why!!! has anyone noticed how long ive been havin this fff-ucking virus in me!? i bet some do!
#2 what is wrong with this ffff-ucking bald head teacher! i may not be surprised that he debarred joanne [uh, thats gonna be me, duh], but some people whom i thought didnt really deserve to be debarred ACTUALLY got debarred! huwaaay!!!!? and those who did, didnt! that son of his mother! does he have this outrage in his life that he has to debar us? well emm, heres a lil description about soong. hes a single, bald-but-sweet-looking-but-"looks-can-be-deceiving" guy who laughs or smiles whenever we tease him and pesters us when comes to submitting assignments but takes a raincheck when asked for our supposedly-marked-three-weeks-ago assignment papers! urrrgh...
#3 uhhh...do i have a number three rant? *thinks hard*
ahhh yesss! why does the camp have to fall on weekdays! what kind of organizer would organize such event without thinkin or checking with the other campuses whether or not wed be available!
#4 *forced* why do i get wrong people! why cant the one im lookin for come to me!?
aaaand soo, heres my own [and most probably yours too] short-answered answers to my own short-answered-but-freaking-long-ranting questions.

>#1 coz youve been eating the forbidden-foods-when-youre-sick, you sick-in-the-brains, you!
>#2 coz you dont have the discipline to go to school on time or before time and you copy answers from people for visual basic you freak, you! emm, as for the other questions, go ask him.
>#3 coz they do not know whod be interested in joining them; jan-intake or apr-intake you gundu eat babi you!
>#4 urrr...coz its not the "the-right-man-for-you-will-come-at-the-right-time" time yet, you dumbass twit, you.
ouhhhkaaaye, im s-leepy.
Friday, 8 February 2008
nothingness at all
weeeee!!!! cny!!!
i got four dollars today shia! hah!
i shy lar, walk walk, give give oranges, receive receive hong baos!
i miss school lei!
miss lookin at guys! hah. keke. as if.
okaye...i miss lookin at girls? hah. riiight.
okaye okaye. i miss people lookin at me?!
lol! im like so the fa king thick skinned lar.
but try pinching me see if thick anot. doubt it! sooo blueeeeek!
okaye, i really just miss the schools aura!
wooo! tomorrows lees gig at dxo
wan come? wan come?
kaye fine, never freakin mind.
ive been posting sheyts for the past few days.
nothing serious; all ke-rap!
well, its better than emoting and talkin bout @#$#@^&@!#&*^%$ and all right?!
i think im just drinkin too much hyphy juice. harhar.
okaye fine! theres no hyphy juice in singapore :( or do they already have?
hmmm. i havent been on the "serious mode" for the past few weeks!
prolly cuz im all hyphy hyphy baby!
aight aight. chill you twit!
imma go......
back to my whatever-doings.
i got four dollars today shia! hah!
i shy lar, walk walk, give give oranges, receive receive hong baos!
i miss school lei!
miss lookin at guys! hah. keke. as if.
okaye...i miss lookin at girls? hah. riiight.
okaye okaye. i miss people lookin at me?!
lol! im like so the fa king thick skinned lar.
but try pinching me see if thick anot. doubt it! sooo blueeeeek!
okaye, i really just miss the schools aura!
wooo! tomorrows lees gig at dxo
wan come? wan come?
kaye fine, never freakin mind.
ive been posting sheyts for the past few days.
nothing serious; all ke-rap!
well, its better than emoting and talkin bout @#$#@^&@!#&*^%$ and all right?!
i think im just drinkin too much hyphy juice. harhar.
okaye fine! theres no hyphy juice in singapore :( or do they already have?
hmmm. i havent been on the "serious mode" for the past few weeks!
prolly cuz im all hyphy hyphy baby!
aight aight. chill you twit!
imma go......
back to my whatever-doings.
Thursday, 7 February 2008
hmm, a feel good raggaeton "exercise"/"dance"? with teletubbies.
cute one!
cute one!
moonlight dancing
happy chinese new year
hong baos...
facebook is drivin me insanely nuts!
freaking too many much much applications!
i cant keep up with all the sheyts, gaaahh!
and and and yeah, i just have no time to update these profile stuffs [f'ster, myspace, facebook, hi5, ringo, bebo, etc. @_@]
i think most people would just wanna own one instead of like having $#@%$%#@%@#$ crazy online social network profiles...
hmmm, its awfully quiet,
its dying down, :( awwww...
noooo!!! cmon cmon cmon!!!
schools okaye okaye. but im feelin lonely without school since its cny. hah.
as long as there wouldnt be any tests any exams any projects any assignements needed, school would be fun otherwise!
its dads year this year; rat year. gee, what a cheesey year. tsk tsk tsk. lol
DP Archi won the sports hub contract. cool stuff.
hes currently on the universal studio proj and i hope it really wont be as sucky as the IR proj. sigh. i reeeeally dont like seeing him that frazzled again. gives me the creeps. i dont ever wanna see him be hospitalized again. :( imma cry an ocean of tears. i hope mom wont eat too much :( its scaring me to see her eat like a lil cute chubby girl together with dad; they dont skip dessert like kuya and i do, hmm. second childhood? living life to the fullest? either way, i love them sooo much like my tv. okaye, thats a bad one.
bye and enjoy.
~~~oi! when youre back, can we have kfc?
holla me when youre back!~~~
hong baos...
facebook is drivin me insanely nuts!
freaking too many much much applications!
i cant keep up with all the sheyts, gaaahh!
and and and yeah, i just have no time to update these profile stuffs [f'ster, myspace, facebook, hi5, ringo, bebo, etc. @_@]
i think most people would just wanna own one instead of like having $#@%$%#@%@#$ crazy online social network profiles...
hmmm, its awfully quiet,
its dying down, :( awwww...
noooo!!! cmon cmon cmon!!!
schools okaye okaye. but im feelin lonely without school since its cny. hah.
as long as there wouldnt be any tests any exams any projects any assignements needed, school would be fun otherwise!
its dads year this year; rat year. gee, what a cheesey year. tsk tsk tsk. lol
DP Archi won the sports hub contract. cool stuff.
hes currently on the universal studio proj and i hope it really wont be as sucky as the IR proj. sigh. i reeeeally dont like seeing him that frazzled again. gives me the creeps. i dont ever wanna see him be hospitalized again. :( imma cry an ocean of tears. i hope mom wont eat too much :( its scaring me to see her eat like a lil cute chubby girl together with dad; they dont skip dessert like kuya and i do, hmm. second childhood? living life to the fullest? either way, i love them sooo much like my tv. okaye, thats a bad one.
bye and enjoy.
~~~oi! when youre back, can we have kfc?
holla me when youre back!~~~
Monday, 4 February 2008
my britneys gone crazy!!! dayyem dawg!
okaye thats a very very very very very very difficult tongue twister!
okaye, thats not even a tongue twister lah! right? is it?
...no uh.
fine! heres a short one then! [do it fast hor!]
"Tim, the thin twin tinsmith"
ahhhh! can or not?! can or not! cannot right! naaahbeiii!
*i also cannot lah, teehee*
okaye okaye, emmm, *looks around*
ive nothin to say...
*few secs later...*
i just read up on britney...
sad lar! ;'(
im not gon' repudiate the fact that she was my idol - well, i think she was, of many millions of youngsters then - and probably still.
i remember, when her second album came out, my mom was kinda reluctant to buy it for me [birthday gift] cuz of the look she portrayed just on the album cover - and from there on.
and thenceforth, things just went berserk in her life.
and all we could do was just listen/watch news and support her; through her music. i know those fanatic fans wouldve wanted to be close, be her friend or something and look after her, to make sure she stays on top! with good health and all. but too bad for 's'all.
maybe the blame can all go to j.t, wuchall think? cuz if you really really think of it, it all started there; the bad break up, j.ts crazy reprisal song, and all that jazz. its crazy. crazy crazy!
see la, now she also crazy! craaazy...
if only im her friend uh, confirm! she wont be in this situation now! serious!
okaye, anyway, i really hate jpi! i think i hate suryani already! hahaha. its just my stupid excuse to hate her just because my groups been procrastinating on our job which was due last week! its crazy, i know. im like, how am i gon survive my poly or uni life [if ever i get into! which i really hope i will! now, hold whatever thoughts youre havin there, reader! thats another way of saying "shut up you!"] if im like this! craaaaazy! you see lah, like idol like idolater! both crazy. huahuahua. okaye, i know its crazy of me to like compare my whatever-doings with her, haha! but yeah, crazy. whatever...
i still love britney spears [even if shes not been my idol for a long time now], and i sincerely hope she recuperates. shes after all just another human being, suffering from some kind of mental illness [probably coz of stardom] and she just happened to be famous. hope those shutterbugs will think of celebs' welfare rather than their own competitions in career! look what happened to Princess Di! my gawsh lah! so to those who have this freaking eagerness to get into the showbiz world, c'mon, im sure yall have seen too many living proofs of what showbiz has done to em all - emm, the dead and gone crazy ones, i meant.
okaye okaye, i feel like im talkin to myself already. Bye lah!
***some memorable/unforgettable special thingsss!***
a nip slip!!! not me uh! my friend's! hahahaha. i love her anyways! and and and i consider myself lucky amongst both genders for what i have seen! kekeekkekkeke. just k'ddin!
[okaye, so maybe thats just "some A...special thingsss"...
okaye okaye! BYE already!
ouh, and hi to melly...
okaye thats a very very very very very very difficult tongue twister!
okaye, thats not even a tongue twister lah! right? is it?
...no uh.
fine! heres a short one then! [do it fast hor!]
"Tim, the thin twin tinsmith"
ahhhh! can or not?! can or not! cannot right! naaahbeiii!
*i also cannot lah, teehee*
okaye okaye, emmm, *looks around*
ive nothin to say...
*few secs later...*
i just read up on britney...
sad lar! ;'(
im not gon' repudiate the fact that she was my idol - well, i think she was, of many millions of youngsters then - and probably still.
i remember, when her second album came out, my mom was kinda reluctant to buy it for me [birthday gift] cuz of the look she portrayed just on the album cover - and from there on.
and thenceforth, things just went berserk in her life.
and all we could do was just listen/watch news and support her; through her music. i know those fanatic fans wouldve wanted to be close, be her friend or something and look after her, to make sure she stays on top! with good health and all. but too bad for 's'all.
maybe the blame can all go to j.t, wuchall think? cuz if you really really think of it, it all started there; the bad break up, j.ts crazy reprisal song, and all that jazz. its crazy. crazy crazy!
see la, now she also crazy! craaazy...
if only im her friend uh, confirm! she wont be in this situation now! serious!
okaye, anyway, i really hate jpi! i think i hate suryani already! hahaha. its just my stupid excuse to hate her just because my groups been procrastinating on our job which was due last week! its crazy, i know. im like, how am i gon survive my poly or uni life [if ever i get into! which i really hope i will! now, hold whatever thoughts youre havin there, reader! thats another way of saying "shut up you!"] if im like this! craaaaazy! you see lah, like idol like idolater! both crazy. huahuahua. okaye, i know its crazy of me to like compare my whatever-doings with her, haha! but yeah, crazy. whatever...
i still love britney spears [even if shes not been my idol for a long time now], and i sincerely hope she recuperates. shes after all just another human being, suffering from some kind of mental illness [probably coz of stardom] and she just happened to be famous. hope those shutterbugs will think of celebs' welfare rather than their own competitions in career! look what happened to Princess Di! my gawsh lah! so to those who have this freaking eagerness to get into the showbiz world, c'mon, im sure yall have seen too many living proofs of what showbiz has done to em all - emm, the dead and gone crazy ones, i meant.
okaye okaye, i feel like im talkin to myself already. Bye lah!
***some memorable/unforgettable special thingsss!***
a nip slip!!! not me uh! my friend's! hahahaha. i love her anyways! and and and i consider myself lucky amongst both genders for what i have seen! kekeekkekkeke. just k'ddin!
[okaye, so maybe thats just "
okaye okaye! BYE already!
ouh, and hi to melly...
Sunday, 3 February 2008
this feeling of self hatred
some random things...
^ive been sayin "nahbei" frequently now - again [its kinda like a fashion that comes and goes, lol]
^cussing all the time [which is reeeally not nice for a girl, i know! nothings change...]
^been dawdling on so many frucking pail-bucket-truck-loadssa things [as always]
^been satisfying my cravings [baloon-like-tummy-me now!]
^been a shirker both at home and outside of [like thats ever improved! *rolls eyes*]
^been feeling blitzed even without the booze [woohoooo! lets gettet ouunnn, jig! haha]
wishing for the highly unlikely things to be likely...
`wanna grad from where im studying now without putting in any effort, hah
`wanna graduate from university without havin to even step into one [can uh...please!?]
`wanna get paid without havin to slog my guts out or requiring any muscle movement [ladadadada...]
`wanna go shopping with no money or any credit card
*wanna live my dreams! live my wishes!*
im suffering from this sickness called acedia. or should i just say im actually sinning; being slothful; seven deadly sins. *gaaaaaah*
okaye, on a more serioso note,
i hope dad wont get frazzled and fall sick again; sigh
...if only im super jojo :(
some random things...
^ive been sayin "nahbei" frequently now - again [its kinda like a fashion that comes and goes, lol]
^cussing all the time [which is reeeally not nice for a girl, i know! nothings change...]
^been dawdling on so many frucking pail-bucket-truck-loadssa things [as always]
^been satisfying my cravings [baloon-like-tummy-me now!]
^been a shirker both at home and outside of [like thats ever improved! *rolls eyes*]
^been feeling blitzed even without the booze [woohoooo! lets gettet ouunnn, jig! haha]
wishing for the highly unlikely things to be likely...
`wanna grad from where im studying now without putting in any effort, hah
`wanna graduate from university without havin to even step into one [can uh...please!?]
`wanna get paid without havin to slog my guts out or requiring any muscle movement [ladadadada...]
`wanna go shopping with no money or any credit card
*wanna live my dreams! live my wishes!*
im suffering from this sickness called acedia. or should i just say im actually sinning; being slothful; seven deadly sins. *gaaaaaah*
okaye, on a more serioso note,
i hope dad wont get frazzled and fall sick again; sigh
...if only im super jojo :(
so happy together
how time fruckin flies...
ahh well, im happy that theyre happy.
pretty surprising that kuya decided to celebrate his anniv at home...
he cooked and prepared and garnished dinner for us all. all by himself. i only peeled 3carrots and everything else was his. whipped potato, beef steak, corn, soup and the finger foods. lol. i also can do lah! but with a lot of help uh, a lot a lot! do alone, siao uh, waleo.
~since he told me to shut up at one moment i commented mom, i stayed silent throughout the whole dinner, and they were like begging me to talk already, geez la! im like so whatever...
anyway, happy thirdy. stay strong la... i dont know what else to say, but yeah, laidat.
dont think i can survive that long la! few weeks, i can die already. unless i meet someone i can never get sick of, lol. NEVER...
hmm, im sure ill get there, haha, no rush, anyway.
just go widda fruckin flow, yo.
alright uh, whatever...take care you guys!
Friday, 1 February 2008
bah! damn that...
febbys gombie a fhectic month fer me.
ah well, all the better...
the past few days...
err, lets just say "this week"...
this week...
this weeks been pretty much a fine week fer me.
was a lil more loose...
i hope this elation wont perish
and bring me back to seclusion.
dont want no such thang!
fo shizzle mah pizzle!
its like putting me in a rehab! lol.
like so emo lah! waleoooo...
like an emotional roller coaster-train-card-candy ride...
up down up down...[roller coaster]
in out in out...[train]
insert remove insert remove...[card]
push pop push pop...[candy]
["insert, remove" and "push, pop" is from my computing maths module uh! dont think so far! nahbei...]
okaye lah...im like, so whatever.
i can do so much better..
i think i should get together now.
and thats whats everyones talkin bout
hey hey me me...
:| kaye fine! ill shut the fuck up neeeeeow.
bah! damn that...
febbys gombie a fhectic month fer me.
ah well, all the better...
the past few days...
err, lets just say "this week"...
this week...
this weeks been pretty much a fine week fer me.
was a lil more loose...
i hope this elation wont perish
and bring me back to seclusion.
dont want no such thang!
fo shizzle mah pizzle!
its like putting me in a rehab! lol.
like so emo lah! waleoooo...
like an emotional roller coaster-train-card-candy ride...
up down up down...[roller coaster]
in out in out...[train]
insert remove insert remove...[card]
push pop push pop...[candy]
["insert, remove" and "push, pop" is from my computing maths module uh! dont think so far! nahbei...]
okaye lah...im like, so whatever.
i can do so much better..
i think i should get together now.
and thats whats everyones talkin bout
hey hey me me...
:| kaye fine! ill shut the fuck up neeeeeow.
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