coupla things to rant on about.
#1 why the fff-uck am i not recovering!!! how fff-ucking long have i been sick? huh? anyone? [im not keeping track...haha.] *snaps back* but why!!! has anyone noticed how long ive been havin this fff-ucking virus in me!? i bet some do!
#2 what is wrong with this ffff-ucking bald head teacher! i may not be surprised that he debarred joanne [uh, thats gonna be me, duh], but some people whom i thought didnt really deserve to be debarred ACTUALLY got debarred! huwaaay!!!!? and those who did, didnt! that son of his mother! does he have this outrage in his life that he has to debar us? well emm, heres a lil description about soong. hes a single, bald-but-sweet-looking-but-"looks-can-be-deceiving" guy who laughs or smiles whenever we tease him and pesters us when comes to submitting assignments but takes a raincheck when asked for our supposedly-marked-three-weeks-ago assignment papers! urrrgh...
#3 i have a number three rant? *thinks hard*
ahhh yesss! why does the camp have to fall on weekdays! what kind of organizer would organize such event without thinkin or checking with the other campuses whether or not wed be available!
#4 *forced* why do i get wrong people! why cant the one im lookin for come to me!?
aaaand soo, heres my own [and most probably yours too] short-answered answers to my own short-answered-but-freaking-long-ranting questions.
>#1 coz youve been eating the forbidden-foods-when-youre-sick, you sick-in-the-brains, you!
>#2 coz you dont have the discipline to go to school on time or before time and you copy answers from people for visual basic you freak, you! emm, as for the other questions, go ask him.
>#3 coz they do not know whod be interested in joining them; jan-intake or apr-intake you gundu eat babi you!
>#4 urrr...coz its not the "the-right-man-for-you-will-come-at-the-right-time" time yet, you dumbass twit, you.
ouhhhkaaaye, im s-leepy.
#1 why the fff-uck am i not recovering!!! how fff-ucking long have i been sick? huh? anyone? [im not keeping track...haha.] *snaps back* but why!!! has anyone noticed how long ive been havin this fff-ucking virus in me!? i bet some do!
#2 what is wrong with this ffff-ucking bald head teacher! i may not be surprised that he debarred joanne [uh, thats gonna be me, duh], but some people whom i thought didnt really deserve to be debarred ACTUALLY got debarred! huwaaay!!!!? and those who did, didnt! that son of his mother! does he have this outrage in his life that he has to debar us? well emm, heres a lil description about soong. hes a single, bald-but-sweet-looking-but-"looks-can-be-deceiving" guy who laughs or smiles whenever we tease him and pesters us when comes to submitting assignments but takes a raincheck when asked for our supposedly-marked-three-weeks-ago assignment papers! urrrgh...
#3 i have a number three rant? *thinks hard*
ahhh yesss! why does the camp have to fall on weekdays! what kind of organizer would organize such event without thinkin or checking with the other campuses whether or not wed be available!
#4 *forced* why do i get wrong people! why cant the one im lookin for come to me!?
aaaand soo, heres my own [and most probably yours too] short-answered answers to my own short-answered-but-freaking-long-ranting questions.

>#1 coz youve been eating the forbidden-foods-when-youre-sick, you sick-in-the-brains, you!
>#2 coz you dont have the discipline to go to school on time or before time and you copy answers from people for visual basic you freak, you! emm, as for the other questions, go ask him.
>#3 coz they do not know whod be interested in joining them; jan-intake or apr-intake you gundu eat babi you!
>#4 urrr...coz its not the "the-right-man-for-you-will-come-at-the-right-time" time yet, you dumbass twit, you.
ouhhhkaaaye, im s-leepy.
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