Sunday, 30 March 2008

blind item

i got some dirt on someonetwo...
okaye lemme dish the dirt...
im delighted to know that the one i once had a beef pork[lol] with, is a real buttwipe. hah.
well, apparently, after having found my long lost chilhood friend, and realising that shes in the same school as my "crony", we had a lil chat about mah girl...and her abettor sidekick.

after sharing my "sad" [lol] story, she told me that...
: the lass may be neglecting the prize she repossessed,
: the freaking friend is very intrusively inquisitive, plastic, and was once commented as a hanger-on [huuuwaaaat???? tsktsktsk],
: both are unpredictable; you dont really know whats goin on in their puny lil smart brains! [one moment they want this, next they dont...and theyll prolly just dump em like theyre some kind of a boring game theyve gotten sick of... -_-"]
: and lastly, she does not like them at all...

so with that, im quite cognizant. its no wonder why i called her a tramp...hah. and im probably not gonna take it back. thank you :)

Saturday, 29 March 2008

the other side of "lol"

all this while that ive been using the abbrev "lol",
my younger cousin thought ive been saying a bad word, shortcut of "ulol" - which means "idiot" in tagalog...
until ive explained what it actually meant. sheez. no wonder hes been like, "your bulletins funny, full of 'lol's..." and all i replied to him was "lol..."
cheeewheeez. thats like uber ____. lol. ~_-"

Thursday, 27 March 2008

imprudent asswipe.

i just wish he's snap out of it and stop causing snags...
seeing how you are, itd probably take a miracle for you to change.

Monday, 24 March 2008

hurt by gluttony

just to make it VERY clear,

the only person/s that can really damage your heart, mind and soul, is/are the one/s you love...and loves you


money was and is NEVER the root of evil...
or all evil...
greed is.
the greed for it is...


awww, poor jojo.
jojos still suffering from the stinging pain of the sunburn wherein was only exposed for like a total of five minutes... :( and is so forgetful she scrubbed her arms dearly and the aftermath...the stinging pain, duh...dumbass...
and the emmm...bloody hard hit of leilei with that foam staff...whatever you call it, on my left ear. IHY for that! lol.
and and and...the fulu...with that slimy greenish, yellow-greenish and green-yellowish phlegm.
and also the bloodshot panda eyes...

but maybe when i get my new toy tomorrow i wont whine so much...then again, i doubt it!
but i said MAYBE right!? dumbass...okaye! tomorrow wear socks...tomorrow oni! ahakz! and selfish jojo MAY NOT lend it to people! bleeeeeek!

Sunday, 23 March 2008

happy easter

“The Lord's triumph”

He has risen! —Jesus has risen.
He is not in the sepulchre. —Life has over­come death.

May we never die through sin; may our spiritual resur­rection be eternal. —And before this decade is over, you have kissed the wounds on His feet..., and I, more daring —because I am more a child—, have placed my lips upon His open side.

Saturday, 22 March 2008

walkin on sunshine


mary had a lil lamb..lil lamb..lil laaamb...
mary had a lil lamb..nanana nanaaaaaaa....

okaye! kwangkwangkwang.
im high! so high i can reach the sky..and the outer space..and the idunnowhatsoutsidethatanymore. heaven maybe? but isnt heaven like..ahh..fegeddit!

hyea hyea! me soooo happeh!
but its just gonna be between you, you and i. uhhuh!
thanks many many much much jiejie! wo ai nie lar! lol.

anyhway...hyea, couldve been waaaaay funner if all came! as for me, myself, and jojo, they were rather surprised i actually turned up! hah. as always. -_-"

{ouh well, i just wanna enjoy these lil moments before we close the chapter of year1 in dover. hyea, we may not be as close as damnrightweshouldsticktogetherforeverandever, but you know, sometimes small gestures of sharing answers, food, thoughts, turning up for gatherings, and having smalltalks already make a hiii-uge impact in our lives. ahhh, lovely.
well, i didnt have fun to the fullest of the energy i have s-tored in my body but i damnright enjoyed the company of these people ive grown to appreciate and love for the past months ive continued my journey of life in dow-vah [dover]. if not for my f-lu and the many lil reasons, i wouldve worn something more comfy. hah. ouh well, blame it on the weather - perhaps!}

i got to: go there together with my leiling which whom ive missed [we go home together from school almost everyday].
i got to: see the faces ive missed, again [in class].
i got to: put dark tan on merv. [whos so conscious about his body, yet kept taking off his top ^.o]
i got to: be darker than ever - again. [no one brought sunblock at all...coz we were all expecting A someone to bring]
i got to: see how bloodyfreaking deep dads project is...
i got to: make pidoz and leilei laugh at me and watch me eat s-lowly, again. [well, actually its more like i ate at a neutral speed but the food just didnt seem to hyea!]
i got back my JEANSes! [i am howe'er - an unsatisfied mofreaking customer who didnt like what she saw cuz it wasnt what she expected! *lol*fierceme*]

aaanyway, sentosa...suck la...its can only go to certain places cuz the rest is all under constaruction! waleooo. must wait til 2010 then nice ready...wait til can die ah! ahakz. shu'up...

Friday, 21 March 2008

Feria VI

“It is accomplished”

Marvel at Mary's courage: at the foot of the Cross, with the greatest of human sorrows--there is no sorrow like her sorrow--filled with fortitude. And ask her for that same strength, so that you too can remain beside the Cross.

Love sacrifice; it is a fountain of interior life. Love the Cross, which is an altar of sacrifice. Love pain, until you drink, as Christ did, the very dregs of the chalice.

baby shower

hey hey...

gee...past few days, the weathers been...
its makin me...
enough can?

i just wanna enjoy my summer vacation! better not rain on saturday...

anyyyyway, couzin Vecs givin birth soon, and is throwing a Baby Shower for her babygirl, samantha mariolle. yep! ive got a new sammy now, lol. and the theme, PINK. :| omg. im just gon paint my body and hair pink...that should be enough so no hassle on what to wear. lol. okaye, not funny. well cuz i was thinkin more of like red or orange. pinks just too...common...and too... girly. ewww. lol.

the only thing is...i hate family-friends parties because my folks wouldnt go and would use brother and i a proxy...but since this is a family party and its a baby shower, [which means only mom and i get to go,] i have a hunch shes not gonna.
well, a lil background info...haha. eversince secondary life started for jojo, my folks have also retracted from parties - and has somewhat become the VIPs of parties [hosts and guests would feel lucky enough if my folks showed up]. theyd give excuses just to not go [see, theyre a lot worse than i used to be]. and mom especially, if dad doesnt go, shell damn right not go. geee. like whats this? a package deal?
sooo what these clever people would do, is to use our home as the venue for their parties so thered be no escape for my folks, haha.
so back to momma, im thinkin, since this is a fam party, she must go. but knowing her, i doubt it - even if. cuz cuz cuz shes ummm, i dont know. but shes just really laying too damn low [she used to be a party-goer] sheeesh! and she CANNOT make me go there on MY OWN! just because! i mean shed be unreasonable enough if she dont! and im really gonna whine my ass out if i get used as a proxy - again...[been one for years and im not even paid for it! like dayeem!] lol.

hmmm...wonder what i can give baby sammy.
haha! im thinkin...a mini dildo! lol. for her to
suck on uh. hahahaha...okaye, shuuush. :X
emmm, whoops, sheyt! i just gave people ideas on what they can give my baby girl on my own baby shower! hahaha.
emm, no, i am not horny. it just came to mind. as in suddenly! so shu'up!

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

next one, maybe

jojo hasnt really sat down to compose a rather thoughtful post for the past few...what...uhh, months? weeks? bahh.
well at least ive engaged myself with better activities than just s-toning all day long waiting for something to happen; whether good or bad, which is mainly just for entertainment, really.
but aaaanyways, ive LOADS of topics in mind, just that, gotta find the right time, my frame of mind.

ah, yeah. been lookin at the photos recently [almost everyday]. ahh, those times. hah. so the freaking many til its caused my notebook some setbacks. wakakaka. and lazy-me tells me to do something about it but just no actions til now.
and yea, emm. some's told me, gotta really put some new photos in here and the other profiles. haha. okaye.
and yea, also got this "habit" of not responding to SMSes. well, just so you know, i dont hold the phone with me whereever i go, so by the time i read your msges, id probably be too late or you, be asleep, which isnt a good time to reply since i dont wanna wake you up. so see! im showing some courtesy here! and and and pardon me if i dont reply when you see me 'online' but puhhleeeze! do take notice of the "AWAY" status! haha. okaye. gotta peeeeeee.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

watch over me

gawsh...already last paper and im still still stoning away...
i reward myself for the 10-second-challenge-to-focus kind of revision more than the mugging i should be doin...
tsk tsk tsk.
if only i can g-lue my eyes on these notes like how i do with the tv.
i only have less than 15hours to the paper and im still idling away...

-okaye, back to the 10second challenge-


Monday, 10 March 2008

dumb dumb dumb.

how true is it?
how sincere were those words let out?
im so sad i made u feel scorned :'(

i guess i misjudged you.
i guess i dont know you enough to believe the things you said.
...i guess... im bad :(

but if it were real, if my dream of you with you comes true, i would be more than ever be blessed to have you.


i hope i havent lost you, kage :(
[was i being a brat jojo?]
but but but you cannot blame me for thinkin in such a way.
ouh well, if you arent what i thought you were, then my hoping for you to be different, is right.
but ts'all too late - i guess - we both blew our chances, for my telling you that and you backing out... such a moron

- - i am sorry - -
[its too late to apologize...too laaaate]

Thursday, 6 March 2008

go for it

love the feeling of being with the person you love soooo much that even if you dont speak,
you know that you love each other.
it is okaye to just feel the tacit moments; the feeling is so pleasantly amagnifizing.
however, sometimes, or more often, when that someone has left,
it is where we have that pang of guilt, that pang of conscience that it wasnt enough.
that you wish you could just turn back time and say the things you wanted to say to that person.
...that you love him/her.
its where we realise that showing physical and emotional and [maybe even] spiritual love for that person is never enough.
that we gotta also show it verbally.
but it is tough aint it?
coz somehow you have that shyness predominating in you...
also known as cowardice, gutless, lily-livered, diffidence or timidity
but whatever that is, are you gonna risk waiting for the moment youll regret?
easy to say, hard to act on.
but maybe, just maybe, of the hundreds who has [read] or is reading this, be it here or somewhere else, and only a couple decided to act upon these, then they have already made a difference;
for small changes make big differences...

*on a side note*
heres a trivia for amateur coffee fiends.
did you know that the most pricey coffee is kopi luwak or civet coffee?
its made from coffee berries eaten and defecated by civets!
the cost? $75/100g! produced 450kg [at most] annually.
wooohooo! chyeah baybeeey. lets try it one day, okaye?
one day=98743223765 days time. :|

so ill cya!

Sunday, 2 March 2008

come away with me

when ive graduated and have started earnin my own dough, imma make sure i bring my frenz to the phils like theyve always wanted! woohoo! imma bring you bitches to the wonderful beaches.
this aint a promise to keep, its my goal to strive on.
this aint my only goal, its one of my goals that includes friends who are willing to know where i come from.

thank you soooo much!
i so fucking love you.

ack!!! craving for donuts... :|

snapping soon

fucking hell.
kill me!!!!!!