Sunday, 30 March 2008

blind item

i got some dirt on someonetwo...
okaye lemme dish the dirt...
im delighted to know that the one i once had a beef pork[lol] with, is a real buttwipe. hah.
well, apparently, after having found my long lost chilhood friend, and realising that shes in the same school as my "crony", we had a lil chat about mah girl...and her abettor sidekick.

after sharing my "sad" [lol] story, she told me that...
: the lass may be neglecting the prize she repossessed,
: the freaking friend is very intrusively inquisitive, plastic, and was once commented as a hanger-on [huuuwaaaat???? tsktsktsk],
: both are unpredictable; you dont really know whats goin on in their puny lil smart brains! [one moment they want this, next they dont...and theyll prolly just dump em like theyre some kind of a boring game theyve gotten sick of... -_-"]
: and lastly, she does not like them at all...

so with that, im quite cognizant. its no wonder why i called her a tramp...hah. and im probably not gonna take it back. thank you :)

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