Monday, 14 May 2007


My Sunday started out kinda hyphy til I was asked to help out with the house chores; which I of course resisted and in which of course, I got scolded for [jeeperz]…buuuut! Of course! My hyphy sidda me made everything well again! And yeaaaap!

Well okaye, so here goes. The night before: dad IM-ed me from their bedroom, askin whether he can give his gift to her already. And I was like “noooo, not yeeet! Why can’t wait for tomorrow til kuya comes then we give’er one bye one….” and then he agreed. Sunday morning: I was bombarded with my mom’s wake-up call, [she sounded happy!!!] she kept wakin me up! I was really damn exhausted from the day before. *grin* I woke up, went to their room and saw UZAP! No wonder she was all already gave her the gift! [spoiler siaaaa] Anyway, that was when the *hyphy movement* came then got scolded for not helping out then I did the *hyphy movement* again til I took a bath and got ready for church. Kuya and Brendz came, pizza came too and none of the couple touched the food cuz dada, momma, ate and I weren’t there with them [lol, how thoughtful] So then 3 of em joined and finally started. I didn’t join cuz I was busy groomin, lol. Ate and I went to church, leaving the 4 of em behind. I met Julian at church and after the mass, saw Philip too. Was supposedly to go to Julian’s bbq just to greet his momma but I cancelled last minute cuz I didn’t wanna let ate feel OP. ouh wellllz *sigh*. [see I’m also thoughtful!]

Monday! The usual, classes. Then went to ECP to accompany ate for a job interview [so far, zilch]. Julian tried to get outta the camp but couldn’t; I guess it’s cuz he was so drunk last night that they allowed him to book-in this morning only and him tryinna get out again just ain’t fair anymore. ‘tsokaye!

Me got sore throat larr dey! I think it was all the blowjobs! Hahaha..okaye that was gross. I can never imagine myself doin that. C-H-E-A-P… AAAAnywayssss…I just wanna get well soon! It’s 1920 and I wanna rest but ate’s invaded my bed! *Gaaaash!*


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