Wednesday, 1 August 2007


Today, the earliest day we were supposed to go school, 745am,
and I actually only took a bath at 610 and reached at 830...
I usually have my bath at 530.
Okaye, whatever that…

Reached school, went to the hall, couldn’t find my class so I thought of going to the “washroom” and will somehow manage to find it!
Hahaha, y’all'll be thinking,
“Go toilet find your class? Your class in the toilet ar?”
Spotted Nelson and asked where the class is, he pointed and when I was headin for the class, Mr Gremar [my KABABAYAN yo!!!] and Sab pulled me in to join their class, “You come my class, you today from 1A” So I was like, Otayee! Her class boys reminds me of 5/1...the “togetherness” I saw in ‘em made me feel “at home”
I looked to my left, and noooo, I didn’t wanna go there! Haha! No, I’m not a hypocrite of 1D, just that, they aren’t fun enough lah! Maybe if they start jumping around like crazy monkeys with bananas in and on? their mouths I’d be happy to go there. A.T saw me singing crazily along with Sab and she kept smiling and laffing. Teehee, I think she wanted to join lah, hehe. I could see she can be the hyper type.
I looked behind and noticed the stagnant atmosphere with only our side active =_=" These people can’t go to a fucking Rock Concert cuz they’re so deaddo; worst than Zombies! I’m talkin about the inactive students okaye! What a pity lah. And I thought those naughty guys would probably be the loudest, screaming their heads off, singin the NDP songs.
Bahh, just don’t ever mix me with these kinda people.
I’d be dead within seconds. Talala…’nuff said.

After the “rehearsal”, had break. Had chicken chop again that I left unfinished. The rest finished it so fast! and mind you, they ate later than me! I hate to say this, and you’re prolly gonna laff when I say
I TOLD YOU SO! My throat is just fucking SMALL!!! Lalala…

No lesson today, Nelson just gave us assignment! We hafta sketch our ideas for the this thingy uh. Creating blogskin using Dream Weaver. Dooode, I’ve been like waiting fer this momentoow, yo! I wanna create my own template! As in from sss-cratchhh…it’d be the coolest thing ever. Because because, lalala. I am so gonna be EARLY for school next Tue and Wed! I can’t afford to miss a few minutes. Tahha, I’m exxag-ing. I’m not at all as excited and eager as I actually sound here.
Tweee…see what words can do…propaganda baby! Lalala…

I am actually falling in-love again. It’s my feeling now, today. Cuz my feelings usually changes as fast as I blink! Lalala…but yes, I really am right now. Just before that, I was feeling insecured again.
Tell me, whaddafuck is this! Can’t I have a steady mood and feeling? Lalala. It’s better this way lah, actually.
JKLM! You suck doode!
Hahaha, just kiddin. I like you… =>

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