Thursday, 6 September 2007


*ampuchangamang yan oh*

haha! i learned that word! so funny! u gosta hear me say it! it's tagalog...i don't know how to spell it though, i just spelled it the way i pronounce it. *teehee!* it's an expression like "oh shit!", "what the fuck", "dammit"...
well, those really ain't the direct translation but yeah.
e-x-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n! geddit?!

anyways, isn't God good? [all the time] and all the time, [God is good]...awww, i miss YFC already. "God is good...all the time...and all the time...God is good" we used to always say that.
okaye, anywayyyy, 2posts ago, i was reminiscing about the phils. and and how i wanna go back and all. well, God has his way of makin everyth'n happen. He doesn't give it right away but He has a way of giving it. and yeap! i'm gett'n it! awww...i know! how sweet!

i wanted to blog about this days ago, i just wasn't in the mood to. so here it is...
i know how you guys feel when you read some of our posts and you go "omg! that's how i feel too!" or "omg! that's what i was/am thinkin of..."
i realised that our lives are all really connected. well, i mean things happ'nin in our lives or how we think...there are unpublished posts i've written and reading your blog posts caught me eyes when i saw things that i've written are there too. how cool dat? lol. our lives are intertwined. so yeah. i'm too lazy to elabo. but maybe some of you dig me. *nods* uhhuh-uhhuh. i'll publish the posts when i'm in the mood of publishing 'em aight?! kool. great. lol?!

i am so bored. i hafta start my revision but but i'm lazy. haha. that is so not surprising to hear right?! lol. i've yet to clean my crib, [which as a procrastinator always does] will leave it til mom or dad comes home. i hate rushing but i always do it.
shtewped-ped-ped-ped...ahakz. okaye, GODAI....

sheyt! i need to dook!

"...don't be a wimp..."

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