Friday, 9 November 2007

ouh geez...

sigh. its a pity how much you put in so much effort in your friendship when you dont get any in return. i guess the problem is that, with all the friendships we all have been through, weve been sort of like traumatized by the bad incidences so like, the trust that we have for our friends kinda depletes. which is also brought forward when we meet new ones. ouh well. its really hard to find real friends even if you love each other. loving each others not enough. saying the words i love you is not enough. how can you say you love them when the simple things like sharings, you cant even do? you even try to HIDE or deny. aint that sick? and the worst thing is, you label your friendship as something special. shtewpid fake people. cut the fucking crap man. there are friends who have been a very loyal friend to their friends and they help whenever they fucking can. and the simple thing they ask for in return, is also your trust, you cant even give. like its a one-sided trust. its shtewped when you tell a friend youve lost trust in the rest and that person is the only one you trust. but the way you act is as if you dont fully trust him/her too, even when you said you do? gosh. you have some issues man. like when he/she opens up and then when he/she feels somethings wrong with you, you shut him/her out like he/shes a nobody. geez. get a life.

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